Wednesday, September 19, 2007

If you can't marry a man with money,

marry one with Mr. Fix-it skills. Otherwise, you will find yourself having to do all the little things like fixing leaky faucets and replacing shower heads and stripping wallpaper and all that fun stuff.

I love my manwhore, truly, madly, deeply I do, but I do wish he had a smidgen of handyman skills. Just a few. Or, I wish that he could cook.


Jennifer said...

LMAO. . you crack me up. . ha ha. Poor guy! Well, luckily I got Mr. Fix it. . but he is never here so I get to be wife, mom, mrs. fix it, gardener, doctor, cook, maid, and all of the other jobs too. lol. Hang in there. . lol

AutumnZ said...

But does he have money? The Fix It skills don't matter if he has money.

Poor Chris...

Amanda said...

AZ, not enough. lol I mean, we have plenty of money, but have still managed to wrack up stupid amounts of debt, and not enough money to hire people to paint or do plumbing unless it is just something we can't do ourselves.