Monday, April 21, 2008

Mommy, how do babies get here?

Holy crap, I wasn't ready for that. And right at the dinner table, too. Leave it to Ellie. The manwhore just looked at me and smirked. Damn him.

But, I calmly answered that they grow in a mommy's tummy and when they are ready to be born, they usually come out through her vagina. Which lead to Emma asking where that was (like I've never told them before) and her trying to point hers out to us. She asked if it was the same hole that the poop came out of, and I told her no, it was between the pee hole and the poop hole (The manwhore interjected "And from now on, we shall call it the baby hole!" Dork.)

Ellie asked if you had to go to the hospital to get the baby out, so we told that some people have babies at home and some at the hospital. And that lead to sometimes you need an operation to get the baby out safely, which led to talking about them being premature and how tiny they were and how big Sam was.

I was very relieved that we didn't have to get into how the baby gets in the mommy's tummy just yet. I'm not sure I'm ready for that one.

But pee holes, poop holes and baby holes, all at the dinner table last night. Someone hold me.


Jennifer said...


Amanda said...

Shut up. Maddison will be asking the hard questions before you know it, too. lol

Jennifer said...

ugh. . dont remind me. . maybe I still have a little while.

AutumnZ said...

Here's my age appropriate answer to that question about how the baby gets in the tummy:

Daddy planted a seed in my tummy.

It worked until she was about 8. Now she wants to know why Chris and I still have sex even though I've had the operation where I can't get pregnant anymore.