Honest to god, I have not ever, evah, been this tense over an election. If Obama loses, I'm going to cry. I don't think he will, and I'm confident enough that I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge that I will probably pop if he wins.
But damn, I am really, seriously in fear for what it will be like if McSame wins. Oddly enough, I feel like the lone voice in the wilderness around here in fundy land. Tennessee is a red state, always has been, probably always will be (which makes me wish that my vote actually counted towards national totals and not just towards our electoral college votes) and there is some strong McCain love here.
In fact, today, my neighbor came over and we were talking about something and somehow the economy got brought up. Now, we all know the economy is in the shitter, right? Stocks are falling, banks are failing, people are losing their homes. Not a pretty picture. Yet she actually said that she was afraid of what the economy would be like if Obama wins. Really? REALLY?? Are you fucking kidding me? She thinks that 4 more years of the same old, same old is going to make things better? REALLY?!?!?
Can I have some of what she is smoking, please?