Friday, January 19, 2007


Don't you love how much emotion a woman can convey just by saying "Men!" Add the sigh or the eyeroll and you know all men are on her shit list. A smile and men are wonderful. lol

Tonight, my man is frustrating me. He needs to lose some weight. I am working on being less fat and I don't have all the health problems hanging over my head that he does. Besides, I like for him to sleep in the bed with me and I just can't deal with the snoring anymore. So, we've slept in separate beds for most of the last year.

But, I'm worrying myself sick that he is going to have a heart attack. He is so high risk for it. That, or he's going to develope type II diabetes. He has such a strong family history of that, I think it is probably inevitable unless he lose the weight soon.

He says he's trying to lose weight, and maybe he thinks he is, but to my eyes, it seems like he's not doing much about it except making lots of excuses. So, I want to kick his ass. Lovingly, of course.

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