Sunday, February 11, 2007

Ok, that's it, I am sick of winter.

It is time for winter to be over. Done. Finished. Warm the fuck up even. I am tired of being cold. See, there is a reason that I live in the south. Winter is supposed to last about 2 weeks here. Less if you live further south. But it has been below average cold for weeks and weeks. The temps haven't gotten out of the 30s in about a month. Average for this time of year is 50.

My birthday is coming up, and in years past I have been able to go and sit in the sun in a pair of shorts on my birthday. Not gonna happen this year, I don't think.

I also think I am turning into a wuss. I used to walk almost everyday with the girls in the stoller, all winter long. I thought walking in 25 degree temps was invigorating. Yesterday, I was desperate for some fresh air and sunshine, so I threw the Samster in the stroller and went for a walk. I had to cut it short. I was freezing and he was freezing. I took my coat off and added it to his layers of blankets because he was so cold. And it was 35 degrees. So, I have become a wuss. Maybe losing weight has taken away a layer of insulation or something.

I'm getting sick of the clouds, too. It's sunny again today and supposed to be n the 40s. Actually, the weather bug tells me it is supposed to make 52 today, but that isn't what the talking head on tv says. At any rate, I think I will attempt another walk today. Gotta get that Vit D.

El is sick again. Poor bug. She had a fever of 103 yesterday. She's fine with a dose of motrin in her, though. Hopefully it won't hit the rest of us, too.

Warm weather usually brings an end to colds, too, and we've had one going around and around for about 3 weeks now. And that's gotten old, too.

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