Thursday, August 23, 2007

I don't think I've ever been this glad to see a check in the mail.

Vanderbilt has this annoying habit of over billing us for stuff, and we occasionally get checks in the mail from them. We got one yesterday.

Normally, I don't open the manwhore's mail. I leave that privilege to him, since one of life's little pleasures is getting mail with your name on the envelope. Besides, when I saw this one was from Vandy, I assumed at first it was a bill for something. God knows what, since they have a habit of sending us bills months, and at least once, more than a year, after the visit to their hallowed halls.

But, I spied the little words payable to next to the manwhore's name (this was one of those envelopes with a window in it), and I was so excited at the thought it might be a check, I opened it. It was a check for $76.30. I seriously almost cried. I don't think I've been that happy over $76 since I was a broke grad student, and probably not even then because I didn't have children to feed.

So now, thanks to Vanderbilt, we have about $250 to get us through until the next paycheck. Such a little thing, to cause such joy.

Now, before all of my friends and family get the impression that we are on the verge of starvation, we aren't. The bills are paid, and we have groceries and we have gas in the cars. It's just really, really tight. We can even still afford for the girls to keep riding, but can't afford for me to, right now. If it were bad enough, we could cancel Netflix and my cell phone and the riding lessons, and what not, but we don't even have to do that, so far.

So, in my absolute fury at my brother and his cunt of a wife, I remind myself that we are fortunate indeed that the manwhore has a job that pays well enough that we can be shorted $1000 and still make it work. For many, many people, that amount of money would be a catastrophe. It isn't a walk in the park for us, but we won't starve and the lights won't be cut off. Hell, we can still watch as many movies as we want through Netflix.

We are fortunate, indeed.

I'm still pissed at them about the money, though.


Jennifer said...

errr. . I am pissed at them for doing that to you too!! And then the fact that they won't show their faces anywhere is even worse. . Nanny said they even stopped going to church probably because they don't want to see ray and sherry! Assholes.

AutumnZ said...

We're so broke right now that our Kool-Aid is getting lighter and lighter. So you are preaching to the converted.

Amanda said...

AZ, you are going to make me feel bad. lol

Jamey wrote me this horrid email telling me not to give him crap about the money because the kids need, bills aren't paid, yadda yadda. So, I feel guilty, and then pissed off, because if they can't afford clothes and to pay the bills WHY IN THE FUCKING BLOODY GODDAMN HELL DID THEY GO ON A FUCKING BLOODY VACATION!?!??!

So, I think, hey, at least we can pay the bills, and feel like shit for being mad at them, but dammit, that's our money, and Jamey doesn't make so little that they shouldn't be able to pay the bills and buy their kids fucking clothes.

Sorry, I start to foam at the mouth when I think about it.

Jennifer said...

I totally agree!!!! We don't even think about taking a trip if the bills aren't paid! That is total bullshit. . I know it is good for the kids to have memories of a family vacation. . but it is more important for them to have clothes and food and electricity!! I am sure they could do some cutting here and there and have PLEANTY of money. . I work my ass off to stretch our money and make it work. . they are fully capable of doing the same thing. . they make a lot more than we do and we have MORE bills. Our rent is over $500 a month MORE than theirs. . so they don't need to give me that sob story! SHE needs to put her big girl panties on and DEAL with it!! They are just taking food out of your baby's mouth when they just use your money to take a nice little trip on. . oooo they better not say anything about money to me when I am home!

DCAja said...

thanks this is very nice info! 😎👍