Wednesday, February 06, 2008

We're off to see the Wizard!

Actually, thank god we weren't transported to Oz on a tornado last night. It was a scary, scary night for the people of Tennessee last night, as well as Arkansas and Kentucky. Sadly, the death toll stands at 44 as of this morning. Fortunately for us, all of the bad weather skimmed just north of us, but it is a terrible feeling to sit and watch a storm with known tornadoes bearing down on the heart of metropolitan Nashville. 3 hospitals, 3 or 4 universities, and highly populated suburbs all under the gun.
The worst of the damage was to the northeast of the city, and I post on my mommy message board with someone who lives there. She says they dove for their closet with the kids and dogs. Their ears were popping, the house shaking, but no damage. There were fatalities in their community, though, and schools are closed for them today.

One other Sybermom known to be in the path of the storms that went just south of Clarksville has not reported in as of yet. I'm sure she is ok, and just having a life, but I worry.

At this point, I don't even know how the Super Tuesday primaries went. I should check CNN or something.

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