Friday, June 27, 2008

Fatty, fatty 2x4

Not me this time, but my son. He had his 3 yr well visit with the doctor this week and he is 36 in tall and weighs 36 lbs. Which according to their height/weight/BMI charts puts him in the overweight category. What. The. Fuck? Seriously, what the fuck?

Now, maybe I'm living on a boat on that river in Egypt, but when I look at him, I don't see fat. I can see his ribs for christ's sake. When he laughs or cries he's got six pack abs. But online weight and BMI calculators agree that he has a BMI of 19+, which is overweight.

So now, I'm all paranoid about letting him have cookies, or ice cream or seconds at dinner if he asks for them, and while I thought that he actually rather healthily, I'm scrutinizing everything he eats.

le sigh And here I thought he was going to be the kid I didn't have to worry about his weight and eating. With El's pickyness and Em's trouble gaining weight, I was so relieved to have a kid that eats well, gains weight steadily and is just all around healthy. And now I find out he's fat.

I'm hoping against hope that he is gearing up for a growth spurt and will shoot up two or three inches in the next few months, which will put him back in the normal category.

Edited to add: Also, when the pediatrician was giving me the "What not to eat" lecture, I felt like she was thinking I was a big, fat liar every time I told her that we didn't eat fried food, don't buy chips, they rarely drink juice, the chocolate milk is low fat, etc. I'm fat, the manwhore is fat, but we really are a whole foods, whole grain, if you can't pronounce the ingredients don't eat it, kind of family. It's possible to eat too much healthy food, too. But I felt like she was looking at me being fat, and my denial of my kid's fatness and thinking that I was going to go home and feed him cheetos and ho-hos for lunch. I'm not saying that my kids never eat junk food, but it is a rare treat for them to get it.


Jennifer said...

he's a kid. . and yes, our eating habits as kids determine our eating habits as adults, but you are a great mother and I am sure that you are not loading him up on junk food and crap all of the time. As long as he is eating healthily and you are helping him make good choices he will be fine! Don't fret. Most kids go through that chunky stage at some point, and granted I haven't seen you guys in a while but he sure didn't look fat last time I saw him. . and he was a big baby, maybe that has something to do with it? lol. I dunno, but I wouldn't worry too much if I were you, unless you are feeding him burgers, fries, cookies, and candy all of the time. . then you need to reevaluate. . ha ha

I dunno about my kid. . I had to take her to the dr a few days ago because she was sick and she was 31in and 27.9lbs. She is tiny. Poor thing. I just hope she doesn't totally flip flop one day and be huge. . lol.

Maritzia said...

You're kidding right? They're trying to list that adorable child as overweight? I think you need to go back and smack that doctor upside the head for even going there!

3 year olds are supposed to be chubby, for pete's sake! I'd rather have one on the chubby side rather than too thin.

If your child eats well, and you don't allow him to overindulge in sweets and sodas, and he is an active, healthy child, who really gives a darn about his weight? Seriously...can you say eating disorder waiting to happen?

AutumnZ said...

Oh, good lord. Your boy is fine. Your doctor might be a little neurotic. I'm just sayin...

DCAja said...

great post many thanks! 😎👍