Friday, September 12, 2008

Operation water bottle rescue

Remember my previous post where I mentioned the water bottle falling out of the van and rolling into the storm drain? Well, I made three trips back up to the school to try and retrieve the damned thing. Can't throw $15 down the drain, now can I?

The first trip I took the grill tongs thinking I could stick my arm in and reach it. Result = failure. The drain is too deep and the gap in the grate too small for my arm anyway.

The second trip I had my friend's pick up pal magnet on a handle. I knew that the handle was going to be too short, so I wisely brought some yarn to tie around the handle. I thought it would be a breeze, because it is a really strong magnet. Result = failure.
Apparently the water bottle isn't the kind of stainless steel that is magnetic. Dammit.

The third trip involved the magnet again, a roll of packing tape and a broom. I put a wad of tape on the magnet (it wouldn't stick to the broom) and lowered it down. Then I got the broom down there and pushed the tape firmly against the bottle. Result = Success!
It took three attempts to get it, but I did get it. I'm oddly giddy about the whole thing. I feel like I've beaten the odds or something.

I wish I had a digital camera. My bitches at Sybermoms were asking for pics and I would have loved to oblige them. Ah well. Ce la vie!

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