Last week, the aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman returned home after a 7 month deployment. Thousands of family members were there to welcome their sailors home. I understand from people I know who are navy wifes that dressing up and choosing just the right outfit can be pretty important to them. After all, they haven't seen each other in months, so they want to look their best.
During this particular homecoming a photographer took this pic of a waiting wife wearing hot pink shoes. The pic was published in the Virginia Pilot newspaper.
Oh, the controversy a pair of hot pink shoes can create. There were people writing letters to the paper insisting that the pic was sexist and inappropriate, that is sexualized the carrier's homecoming, that it ignored the female sailors, etc. What. The. Fuck?
Honestly, I think the picture is fabulous. She's standing there with her feet nervously crossed in her brand new shoes, which she was so excited she forgot to take the price stickers off of.
There is an interesting discussing of this pic on the Smart Bitches website I've got a link to on the side over there and another one on Sybermoms. General consensus of those two groups of women seems to be "Jesus, can't a bitch wear some pretty shoes on a happy day?"
Wow, stupid fucking people. Unless they have ever been there in that situation nervously awaiting the return of their love, they can't say a damn thing! Honestly, when you are standing there on that pier waiting for them to get off the ship, people's shoes are the LAST thing on your mind.
Hey I think her shoes are pretty damn cute, and I give her serious props. . standing on the pier is not an easy task, you can be there for anywhere from 3 to 7-8 hours waiting for them to finally call liberty. Anyone who is willing to stand in a crowd of thousands, on a concrete pier, on a hot summer day, for hours at a time in hot pink heals deserves an award in my book!! lol.
I love the pic, and the photographer should be proud!!
great post and many thanks! 😎👍
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