Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE!

Remember that movie where you conjured the guy by saying his name three times? I feel like I have done that to someone. Not that I think she is a scary half dead guy or anything. lol But, I was at the Y yesterday and I hear someone say my name. Now, I don't have many casual friends or even not so casual friends around here, and none that were members of the Y, so I thought. So I look around with a WTF look on my face and before I have time to register who it is, I am being hugged. Turns out, it was one of the women from the multiples class we took when I was pregnant with the girls.

As for the Beetlejuice comment, I haven't seen her in over 2 years and the last contact I had from her was an email about 18 months ago. But, oddly enough, I had a dream that I had run into her just last week. And then, for some reason, I was talking about her to my mother this week. So, it feels a bit like I conjured her. lol

I was even more surprised by the hug, then the 30 min conversation we had, plus 20 more minutes in the locker room after we were both done working out. She even went in the nursery to peep at Sam. And she said she would email me because her and some of the other moms from the group were planning to get together soon. Why was I surprised you ask? Well, I would have bet you a dollar that she and the rest of them didn't much like me. Hell, I would have bet you two dollars. lol Apparently I was mistaken. Either that, or she's a very good actor.

What's even odder is that they've been members of the Y for about as long as we have, I think, and we've never bumped into each other before.

So, we'll see. The manwhore and I would like to see them all again, if for no other reason than it is fun to see everyone's kids. I don't know that we'll ever be bosom buddies with them as we are in different places both religiously and in parenting techniques. But, it's mostly the religion thing. Still one of my bestest friends is fairly religious and we get along well enough. Of course, I don't see her very often, either. Living 2 hrs away isn't conducive to frequent visits.

Still, it would be nice to have at least a few friends around here.


AutumnZ said...

Well, we're in the same boat. I, too have been eating rubbish. Chris has apparently been using all the fitness energy, because I sure as hell haven't had any this week. And my manwhore hasn't had sex SINCE the day after his birthday.

And I've said it before and I'll say it again. You're baby girl is fine. She is healthy and she is going to be okay. I know that I and my medical degree don't do much to calm you fears, but I really feel in my heart that she is okay. That she will grow to be a strong, healthy, happy woman.

AutumnZ said...

By the way. My goth boy LOVES the movie Beetlejuice. I rented it this summer form Netflix and we had to watch it 2 or 3 times before I could send it back.

Someone at school the other day (when he was telling him about the theme to his birthday party) that he would go to hell if Halloween was his favorite holiday. Sigh. Ah, the bible belt. But J didn't seem to mind so much. Because he doesn't believe in hell.., Wonder who taught him that?