Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The sound of silence and wonderful doctors.

Here that? No, you say? Me either. The husband has taken the children to get ice cream and I chose to stay home and have some me time rather than go. I know, I know. That's crazy talk. But sometimes, you've got to take a few minutes when you can get them.

Silence is a sound that is totally underrated and under appreciated, I think. Even now, it's not totally silent here. I have some xmas music playing softly, and I can still hear the traffic outside. We live entirely too close to an interstate and I can hear the traffic from inside the house. It could be worse. We're about 1/4 of a mile away. The houses at the end of the street back right up to it.

But, at times I crave silence and start to think about moving. For now, I have to content myself with visits to my parents' home, or my inlaws', who had the good sense not to live close to, well anything. Both sets of our parents live out in the country. It is like a vacation for the ears when we are there.

The silence is such a relief for my ears and my brain and I am much calmer there. So, take a few moments and turn off as much noise as you can and listen to the silence.

Sam had his 18 month check up yesterday. All is well, except for the upper respiratory infection he has. I was totally floored. I knew he was getting over a cold, but didn't realize he had an infection.

I have to say, I really love the kids' doctors. We see a practice with 3 doctors and a PA and they are all great. I told Dr M that yesterday, too. Just a small example: The girls were 10 weeks premature and had to have a series of shots to prevent rsv (which is basically a cold in healthy babies, but can kill preemies). They had to have 1 shot every 28 days from Oct to April. Each shot cost $1000. Yes, that is one thousand dollars. Actually, the bigger the baby is, the more the shot is, but my girls were so tiny they only needed one vial.

Our pediatricians made sure the insurance company paid for them. All we ever paid was our copay.

A few days ago, I was talking to another mother at preschool, who also has twins that were preemies. Her husband used to work with mine, so when their girls were babies, they had the same insurance we did. They had to pay out of pocket a huge amount for their kids' shots. She said 20%, I think, which because their kids were bigger worked out to about $1000 a month for them. Out of their own pocket. And we had the same insurance. But, we had different pediatricians, and apparently theirs didn't make the effort to make sure they didn't have to pay.
So, I'm pretty convince our doctor hung the moon. lol

1 comment:

cKAja said...

Thanks, it was good content
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