Monday, June 18, 2007

Birthdays and Father's Day

Friday was the boychild's birthday. He is now 2 and I have no more babies. He is so wonderful and special that sometimes I want to have another baby just so I can do the toddler years one more time. Dds were wonderful and special at this age, too. They still are, but have added smart mouths and eyerolls to the mix.

But, my sweet boy had a lovely birthday. After singing "Happy birthday" to him all day, he was trying to sing it to himself. And he got a pile of presents and the only one he doesn't like is the tricycle that we bought for him. lol

On the down side, half of the invited guests didn't show up and didn't bother to call and tell me they weren't showing up, so we have so many leftover, it's just ridiculous. I made fajitas and we're going to be sick of them before we use them all up. I've been making salads for lunch with the chicken and tonight will be quesadillas. But still.

And, I'm a little peeved at the lack of phone calls. At least some people told my mother they weren't coming. But my brother and sil told us they were coming. In fact, we had the party on Friday night instead of Sat just so they could come. And I spoke to him on Thur and no indication they weren't coming. Asshole.

Mother and dad stayed over and went home Sat evening. The girls went with them, and will be staying until Tues, when the boy and I will join them. So far, they are having a blast.

But, I think that the manwhore misses them. Yesterday, he looked a bit sad and commented that maybe we shouldn't have sent them to Camp Grandma on Father's Day. Poor guy.

But he had a good day. We went out to eat for supper (instead of noshing on more leftovers). Dinner was marred by the family of 6 seated next to us with the screaming baby, though. I say baby, she was as big as my son. She screamed the entire time we were there, and the only thing they did was send the teenager out with her a few times and spank her once. Oh yeah, spanking an already screaming kid is really going to help with that. Not. Idiots.

At one point, all three of their little ones were crying. twitch They should have skipped the nice restaurant and gone to MickeyD's.

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

Well, in my defense, I didn't know anything about a party. Hmmmm. Not that I would have been there, because I was puking so much that my back muscles are still sore.