Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Graduations in BFE Alabam

I shouldn't be surprised, not really. But I was. Stupid me, right? Anyway, oldest nephew graduated from my alma mater last night. Yeah him and all that jazz.

But I pretty much twitched through the entire ceremony because of all the praising Jesus and Bible verses that were quoted. The way this high school does things is to have all of the speeches done by the top ten honor students.

They started with a prayer, and the girl that said the prayer was preaching, praising Jesus, saying "I love you, Jesus!" and really just being over the top with it.

After that, there were 9 other speeches (or maybe only 8, I think one of the honor students sand the National Anthem), and of those at least half, if not three fourths of them quoted Bible verses, preached a little sermon or told their class mates to go out in the world and be good little Christians.

Really, it was quite annoying. I know good and damn well that I cannot possibly be the only heathen/non Christian that was sitting in the audience. Even BFE Alabama is part of the global community these days and personally, I think the students should be encouraged to remember that fact. Instead of a prayer, they could have a general sort of blessing, or a fucking moment of silence to contemplate the abyss the graduates are about to fall into. The other speakers could be encourage to look somewhere besides the Bible for inspirational quotes.

But, they won't be, because no one cares that there is likely a handful of people who think differently. In fact, they probably hope that all the praying and Jesus loving will cause us heathens to see the light and turn out lives mindlessly over to Jesus like they have. Or to be hypocritical fakes like they are.

I'm thinking seriously about writing a letter to the principal, but I doubt it would do any good. After all, every bit of the Jesus loving was done by students, which makes it all nice and legal. Annoying, but legal.


Jennifer said...

hmm. . I don't recall it being that way at my graduation. . Granted I really wasn't paying attention because I was counting down the seconds until I could get the hell out of there. . but I am pretty sure the only prayin that was done was the initial first prayer. I did read a lot of the speeches before grad because they were all my friends and if I remember correctly most of them had poems. huh. . oh well.

Still doesn't seem like he should be graduating though. . lol. . Kristin is next :[

Amanda said...

I can't even remember who said what at my graduation. I think I might have brought a book. lol

Jody W. and Meankitty said...

I had to give a speech at my graduation. It was a very rude poem (limerick style) about how much I'd hated high school, the punch line being something like the very best thing about it was that I was leaving. I slipped this one by "management" by pretending to not be finished with it during rehearsals. Heh.

Jody W.