Wednesday, November 21, 2007

As if losing one kid wasn't enough

So, we're at the in-laws for T'day. We got in last night, had supper, the kids were tired and ready to go to bed. So we go get the bath ready and El says she doesn't want a bath. We tell her she has to have one. Get Em in the bath and look around for El. No El. We looked all over this fucking house for her and I was getting that panicky feeling. Finally, I yelled "El, this isn't funny any more!" Because she had to be in the house. Where else could she have gone? Sure enough, she crawled out from under the bed! She had been under there for at least 10 minutes, and not made a peep.

After I got her in the tub, I had father-in-law open a bottle of wine. For my nerves, you know.

I swear to fuck, losing two kids twice in the same day is not good for the nerves. No one should have to feel that sinking, sick, panicky feeling, and especially not twice in one day.

I think they are getting back at me for my own childhood when brother and I ran away and stayed gone for something like 2 hours.

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

Oh lord. Pour two drinks. One for me! I felt the panic just reading it!