So, we've been horse shopping. Yes it has only been a week and a half since Maggie died, but I could see no reason to just sit on my thumbs and wait some indefinite length of time. Besides, looking at new faces has helped me to deal with my grief for Maggie. She isn't forgotten and never will be, but it is time for me to move on.
I miss riding, as it had been several weeks since I had ridden Maggie before she died. I miss having a velvety soft nose to rub that is mine, not borrowed. I miss having those ears that perk up when I come around and eyes that light up and that nicker that says "Hello! Where have you been?" Hell, I miss Maggie. I hate that I will never get to see her shed out this spring, that I will never take her trail riding. But she is gone, and tomorrow is another day.
So, we went horse shopping yesterday. D and I had 3 stops on our list with 5 horses between them. I rode some very nice horses and had two that I could have brought home and been thrilled with.
One was a little, short black 14 yr old Walking Horse gelding. Very laid back, kid safe, been there-done that. He responded nicely, but nothing seemed to bother him. He's had a lot of years of teaching kids how to ride.
The other was a taller, pale dappled gray Walking Horse mare. A smidgen less laid back at first, but she also had a bunch of dogs running in circles around her. That's enough to make any horse antsy. But, the dogs were put up and she quickly calmed down. Beautiful ride, nice energetic walk. She's had 2 yrs of professional show level training and several years of trail experience. She is very sensitive in her mouth and seat and was just a pleasure to ride. And I think she would force me into being a better rider, whereas the other fellow is so laid back that my skills could never improve and I'd be just dandy on him.
So, I really dithered over it. I was seriously thinking that I wanted a shorter horse this time. I was a'hint the do' when legs were being handed out, as my grandmother would say. In other words, I've got short legs, even for being short. I don't think I'll ever be able to mount 16 hands without a step. But 14 hands, now I could probably do that.
So, of course who have I decided to make an offer on? The taller mare. She is about Maggie's size, so I figure that I'll be able to mount without the step at some point. But I just really enjoyed the ride and really am looking forward to improving my skills with her. She's not more than I can handle, but enough to make me pay attention and not just hang on for the ride. And the girls just love her color.
And her name? Hopes and Dreams. Hope is her barn name. I thought it fitting in a way, because I had felt so much like my hopes and dreams had been shattered when I lost Maggie. And now I have Hope.
I hope you get it :]
Aw! Good luck!
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