Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This and that

We have the crud. (Mostly I'm just jabbering to get Maggie's picture to move down. I cry every time I look at it.)
I'm not sure exactly what kind it is, but we have it. The three of us girls are coughing. Sunday night I started running a fever and had the godawfulest stomach cramps. I would have been quite happy to throw up if it would have made it go away. Never puked, though. Stomach cramps continued off and on yesterday. I woke up feeling 90% better today.

Last night, Em had a fever and she's home with me today. She was complaining about a stomach ache Friday and Saturday. Ellie had a fever a week ago and she has complained about a stomach ache in the last week, too. I talked to the manwhore earlier and he's planning to come home from work because apparently he's got it now, too.

So far, Sam is the only one who hasn't come down with it, although he fussed about his stomach hurting late last week, too. He never had a fever, though.

On the horse front, we are slowly looking for another horse. I know it will make it easier to move on if we have another long face looking at us over the fence. I'm still reeling and guilty and grieving and pissed and just all around missing my sweet girl. I know she wasn't so sweet towards the end, but I know I will spend the rest of my life wondering if we did the right thing, even though the vet told us we were making the right decision.

I confess that my house looks like I've spent a week curled up crying over my horse and curled up holding my stomach. Eek!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That sucks yall have been sick! Sending feel better vibes your way!

Hopefully you will be able to find you guys a new horse. . I think it would help some.

And don't worry about the house. . the mess won't go anywhere, unfortunately.