Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Birthday sex.

My poor husband. He has a birthday coming up. 41 big ones. His birthday request? For my parents to babysit and for us to get a hotel room. Not for the night, since he knows Sam isn't likely to do well away for the night. Just for the afternoon. So we can have sex. The poor guy wants to get laid bad enough that he wants to rent a hotel room.

Now, we are married people and renting a room shouldn't be necessary, so I'm feeling a little guilty here. I know we aren't lighting the fire too often. In fact, we doing good to manage it more than about 3 times a month. But I thought what we were missing in quantity, we were making up for in quality. Seriously. Sex has never been better.

We've done quantity before. Back when we were trying to get pg with the girls, we did the do it every other day until you know you are past ovulating thing. Only, for a lot of months, I wasn't ovulating at all, so there were many times when we were doing the deed with really being interested. After a couple of months of that, it quickly becomes a chore best gotten over with quickly.

I would much rather be at the point we are now, where when we do come together, it has meaning and mind rocking orgasms. Even if it isn't very often.

But apparently, he thinks it isn't enough. Actually, he said he always feels rushed, like we have to get done before Sam or one of the other kids wakes up. And yes, that sucks at times, but I know it won't be for long. I mean, I don't expect to ever totally relax with them in the house, so in about 20 yrs I expect to have totally relaxed, let it all hang out and express myself as loud as I please sex again.

So. Apparently we are having sex for his birthday.

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

You are preaching to the choir, honey. Hotel sex is the ULT! Our anniversary is on the 27th and we are going to rent a hotel room in Huntsville just so we can have sex with no children around and we can sleep naked with no worries about anyone climbing into the beds with us and sticking their toes in parts better left unmentioned.