Saturday, January 13, 2007

Oh my god, the toys!

My parents just delivered the last of the Xmas cack to our house. We had so much stuff, we couldn't get it all in our van when we came home. rofl So, my parents loaded up their suv and brought the rest up. So now we have more toys to figure out where to put. Dh has declared that we have to go buy some storage unit or something to put it all.

I think I am declaring a moratorium on new toys until we move some of the old ones out. The only problem is, they actually play with most of their stuff, at least occasionally. So, it will have to be sneakily, while the chillens are at school. So far, they haven't missed anything I've gotten rid of in the past, so I figure they won't in the future. Mean mommy. lol

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