Monday, January 22, 2007

I never thought I would be one of those parents.

Well, actually I am, depending which one of "those parents" you are talking about. No food dyes and as much organic and natural food as we can afford and very little processed food? Yep, I'm one of those parents. We recycle and compost, too.

I haven't jumped on the no tv bandwagon though. I should, but it is so easy to let them veg when it is cold and rainy out or they don't feel good, etc.

But, now I'm one of those parents that is sweating about getting her kids into the "right" school. You see, I have discovered that there is a charter school in my town (which is basically like a private school, except it is a public school, so no tuition, if you can get in). And this charter school is a fine arts academy for elementary kids. Foreign language in kindergarten. Dance, sculpture, music, all in kindergarten. Who wouldn't want their kids to go there? Obviously some people don't, but I do. I was big into the arts when I was in high school and college and would love love love for my kids to be able to start in elementary. Did I mention the string orchestra starting in 4th grade? Choir auditions open to all grades?

But, they have 60 slots for kindy, and usually about 200+ applications. First preference is to siblings of current students. 2nd is to county school students (which we are). 3rd to city school people for the next town over. If you make it through the screening, then you are put into a lottery. And I can't imagine what we would do if one dd got in and another didn't. Surely they would be tied together so if one got it, the other would, too? Since they are twins and all. I can only hope.

Applications are due at the end of the month and it will be March before we are notified if they get in.

Oh, and going against us, they prefer kids with a birthday after June 1st to consider waiting until the next year to apply. But, dds have had 2 yrs of preschool, and I think they would be bored in a 3rd year of it.

And now for something I would never mention on my mommy message board. Dh and I are pretty durned intelligent. I was in gifted programs in school and still bored out of my mind most of the time. I suspect our kids will be just as intelligent. I don't want them to be bored in school. I want them to be challenged and to be excited by it. I think this school would do that for them.

I want them to get in this school so bad I can't stand it. Whaahhhhh!

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

Yep. You are one of those parents. :-)

This does sound like an excellent school and I can't blame you for your angst.

And for a 2 in 1 comment re: your men post below. Maybe you are using all the fitness and healthy eating energy right now. Maybe it works the same way in your house as it does in mine.