Friday, February 02, 2007

It's the manwhore's birthday!

Happy 41st birthday to the manwhore. I used to think 41 was old, but he is anything but old. This will be the 7th year that we have celebrated birthdays together, and I hope we get at least 50 more. He is the love of my life, and I thank the forces that be for the odd set of circumstances that brought us together. It pays to have friends who join a dating service, apparently. lol I love you, my dear, and hope that it is a wonderful birthday for you!

And, mother nature has a present for him, as well. We have SNOW! You know, the white stuff that happens when it tries to rain but its really cold? I know, I know, its been so long since we've had any, its hard to remember what it looks like. It was supposed to snow yesterday, too, but it didn't. It all went south of us, when the weather guys were calling for most of it to go north. Pesky weather. lol I'm glad I'm not a meteorologist. lol Still, they closed all the schools around here, and looked mighty foolish, I might add. They are closed again, today, too. I think it is sympathy on the part of the schools. Its been years since we've had enough snow for the kids to play in, so I think they are jumping at the chance to let the kids out.

The boychild is being a cranky one this morning. He had to get some shots yesterday and apparently one of them made his legs hurt, and now he has a slight little fever. I hate hate hate having to get vaccines, but at the same time, I know they are important and I don't think they are a plot by THE MAN or anything. Still, its never fun to know your child doesn't feel well because of something you did.

Everyone else is still sleeping, and I'm having to restrain myself to keep from waking them up yelling "LOOK AT THE SNOW!!!"

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

Happy Birthday Manwhore!