Saturday, February 17, 2007

More snow.

Honestly now, I am really sick of winter. We woke up to about 1/4 inch of snow this morning, and I wasn't the least bit excited. I just want it to go away. I want to be warm. And being the planet loving, penny pinching whore that I am, I refuse to turn the heat up any, so my feet are cold. And I hate to wear socks, so my feet are cold. I know, I know, its all my fault.

The manwhore bought me a vase of flowers for V'day and they just got delivered today. He ordered them on Mon and they called on Wed and said they couldn't get them delivered. So, they were supposed to deliver them yesterday, but they didn't show up. But they are here now. And they are lovely. They are red carnations, which I actually love more than roses. Carnations smell nice, and most commercial roses have no smell these days.

El and Em have their kindy evaluations on Fri. I truly do not expect them to make it in The School, since we have been told through the grapevine that The School pretty much doesn't take any kids with summer birthdays unless they are little geniuses or something. But, we have learned about the kindy readyness program at our local school, and we are totally fine with them doing that and applying to The School next year.

Oh, we went and had a play date/ lunch with some of the women and kids from our multiples group. I am totally perplexed as to why we were out of the loop with them for so long, as obviously most of them are all still friends. This would be why I thought they didn't like me/us. But, they were all very happy to see us and we're invited to next month's playdate. And we had a nice time with them. It is always nice to see kids that are practically the same age as ours (one set of twins share dds birthday and the other two sets are only a week older) and see that dds are right on par with them. So, we'll see how it plays out.

And, I was surprised that no one has plans to enroll their kids in kindy next year. Well, the family with triplets is going to homeschool and they are starting that next year. But no one doing public school plans to send their kids to kindy. I wonder if we hadn't run into S if we would have just sent dds to kindy next year, of if the public school would have pointed us to the kindy readiness program.

Oh well, fate has a hand in things, I suppose.

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

I 'm looking forward to your birthday bash next week. Chris even took off work so that he could be there too!