Thursday, January 18, 2007

Om, motherfucker.

So, I'm trying to become a more serene person. I really don't want my kids to look back and remember mommy yelling about every little thing. And I do yell, quite a bit actually. Way too much, in fact. So, I'm trying to cut down. Being serene seems like it would be a good thing. But, I'm an emotional person and easily frustrated. Om, indeed. Deep breaths, peaceful visualizations.

Speaking of om, my yoga class was overflowing tonight. Its the new year and everyone is trying to get healthy. Lovely. Now get the hell out of my class. lol MINE ALL MINE! lol Seriously though, the bendy little teenagers make me jealous. Of course, I was a bendy little teenager at one point, too. Now and I fat and in my 30s.

What really bruises the ol' ego is the old lady that walks the track that can smoke by me like I'm standing still. She wears tights and shorts, too, and she has smoking hot legs. I tell myself that its because she's taller than me, because I was walking fast enough that if I had gone any faster I would have been running and she still was passing me out.

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

I'm a short tempered thing myself. Know what you mean.

I love your title...teehee.