Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The moments of parenting you hate.

No one expects parenting to be all sunshine and roses. After all, changing poopy diapers isn't exactly fun. But it is also not one of those things that you, as a parent, hate. After all, it is one of the things we expect to have to do. I mean the moments you just hate, that make you wonder why you even had kids anyway.

I had one of those days yesterday. The cranky boychild has been moved to his own room, and after a couple of good nights, including one where he slept all night, Sunday night, he was up multiple times and then after 4am he refused to go back to sleep because he wanted to nurse, but I am done. I am over it. So, I'm trying to wean him, especially at night because I am really done with that. So, we rocked, and we rocked and we rocked. And he squirmed and cried and pulled at my shirt, which in my sleep deprived state really was ticking me off.

After a while of this, we went and laid down in my bed, but still he wouldn't settle down. Eventually, at5:30, I gave up and we went to the den. I plopped him down in the floor and I crawled in the recliner. In less than 5 mins, he was in my lap and then he conked out. We both slept in the recliner until dds woke us up at 7:30.

So, with much less sleep than normal, I was much more cranky than normal. And so was the boychild. It made for a completely miserable day for both of us that copious amounts of coffee did little to alleviate.

Sounds normal in the life of a parent, I know. But it always surprises me how badly I react to sudden interruptions in my sleep and how blown out of proportion it makes everything. And honestly, it makes me angry at the child for interrupting my sleep, which is completely ridiculous, but in my sleep deprived state, I just go with it and try not to take it out on the kid.

It is those moments that I hate. The ones in which my child has done something totally normal, but it makes me feel things I don't like to feel and don't like to admit to feeling.

Thank the gods that he is sleeping better this week. He is waking up only once and is content with being rocked back to sleep without being nursed. Hopefully we are on the fast track to sleeping all night and mom getting some good solid sleep. And maybe a lot more action between the sheets, since we don't have a kid in the way anymore. lol

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

Well, not to be a wet blanket, but last night our boychild ended up in the bed with us. The night before that the girlchild did. So...I haven't slept all night long since 1997.
But I know what you mean about feeling like dooky for being ticked at your kids for doing regular kid stuff. It happens to the best of us. I'm also meanest when my sleep is interrupted.