Thursday, August 16, 2007

And they're off.

Off to kindergarten. Today is El's and Em's first day of kindergarten. The fact that they are doing kindergarten readiness (2 planned years of kindy, basically) has not really made this any easier. They will still be gone from 7:15 or so, when the manwhore takes them, until 2:45 when I pick them up. Well, not today, today is a half day. But still, my babies are growing up.

I was having terrible doubts last night about putting them in KR instead of regular kindy. You know, we're basically planning to hold them back, what if they regret it at some point, etc. But, this morning, when I saw that they are the smallest ones in this class of children with late summer/early fall birthdays, I felt better. Hopefully they won't be so small that they are targets for teasing and such. If they had gone to reg kindy, there would have been kids in their class that were almost a whole year older, like the little girl next door. She is Dec to Aug older, and outweighs them by 15 or more lbs and is a whole head taller. So, being little in a class of other mostly littles isn't such a bad thing.

As for me, I've shed a few tears. I was doing ok until Sam started walking around calling them. "EEEEyyyeeee! EEEEEmmmmmmmaaaaa! Where are you? Come home now!"
I burst into tears at that.


Jennifer said...

aww the babies aren't babies anymore. . *sniffle* seems like we were just having their baby shower the other day!

AutumnZ said...

Are you okay? Will you make it?

Amanda said...

I made it ok. Yesterday was only a 2 hr day. Mon will be harder because they go all day. I went to yoga last night and during the relaxation part was thinking about them and had to surreptitiously wipe some tears. lol

DCAja said...

thanks this is great info!