Monday, August 20, 2007

The germs are coming, the germs are coming!

Run for the hills!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

So, El is home from her second day of kindergarten with a stomach virus. Fever Sat, puked once yesterday, thought she was better and got her ready for school this morning, and she puked again. She at least tried to make it to the bathroom, though, instead of puking on the kitchen table. Bless her heart.
And, now it seems the other end has it, too.

And the manwhore and I are both feeling a little bit queasy. Blech. Toast and bananas for all, today. I rather stupidly started the day off with a cup of coffee. I know realize that coffee and queasy stomach are not a good combination, and I have a cup of lemon ginger tea in front of me.

Plus, I'm getting stuffy, so apparently what the manwhore thought was an allergy attack was really a cold.

I think I'm going to flood the house with Lysol.


Jennifer said...

oh I know. . Maddison got it from play group the other day. . I spent all day wed. cleaning puke and then diarrhea. . and then I had to keep my friends kid for 2 days while she was barfing her brains up. . I had to take her to the ER. Then her kid got sick too. . poor things. . Luckily I think I dodged the bullet this time. . but it is a nasty stomach virus!! Hope you all feel better!

DCAja said...

amazing post as always! 😎👍