Monday, October 22, 2007

I nominate myself Queen Hover Mother Supreme

There is a little boy in the girls' class that apparently raised a shitpot of money for the school fundraiser (yay for his parents' hard work). His prize is that he gets lunch with the principal at Chili's, a limo ride to get there, and he gets to invite a friend. That friend is my daughter Em. (The manwhore says she has her first date, at 5 yrs old. lol)

Queen Hover Mother Supreme realizes that her precious baby big girl daughter is going to be riding in a car. Must. Have. Carseat. So, I call the school. Um. They've never had to deal with carseats before, because no one has ever said their kid had to ride in one. WTF? Like I'm going to let my 32 lbs 5 yr old ride in a regular seat belt, or no seat belt. (Polishes crown.)

So, I will be schlepping a booster seat to school and fetching it back again tomorrow. Yay me. See my pretty crown?

1 comment:

kooolaidred said...

It is a very beautiful crown. lol Maybe I can get you a nice set of royal robes with an ermine collar. Then maybe I'll come hover over by you because I'd have done the same thing.