Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm done with it. I'm tired of being cold. And I'm tired of days on end of low-lying, gray clouds. I'm ready for warm breezes, sunshine, buttercups and butterflies.

That is all.


Jennifer said...

I second that motion.

We have had one of the coldest winters on record here. BLAH.
It is warmer today (60), but dark and gray.

Jennifer said...

Yeah, I have used the pre-made ones before. . I just wanted to try making one from complete scratch. . it was fun. . lol

We have actually be wanting to get a bread maker. . but still haven't broken down and gotten one.

Jody W. and Meankitty said...

But we get a couple weeks of the warm, nice stuff and then it turns into hot, disgusting stuff. When I think of August, it's easier to tolerate the winter!


AutumnZ said...

Not me. I'll keep the chilly, gray and rainy days.