Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bask in my awesomeness!

I have written over 25,000 words since last Friday. I've written 7,000 of those words today. Touch me, I am an awesome writing machine.

I am trying like to mad to finish my second book, which has the working title of Blown Away, before my writer's retreat this weekend. I don't know if I'm going to finish it, because quite frankly, my ass is worn out. But I'm close and I'm going to work on it some more tomorrow. I could stay up tonight, but my brain is a bit fried, too. Did I mention my ass hurts?

So, I'm going to go the bed, hopefully to wake up fresh and ready to have my characters engage in the Black Moment vitriol filled fight that they are going to have, because what's a romance novel without that Black Moment? I think she is going to hurl insults and possibly even rocks at his head. But love will prevail, hurricane winds will not wipe out said love, but make it stronger. And some more sex is going to happen.

Oh yes, sometime before 11:22 am Sat morning, I have to come up with a 25 word pitch for the real, live Harlequin editor about this book.

And my ass really hurts. Too much time in this chair this week.

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

Ooooooh, I'm so excited for you!