Friday, February 01, 2008

February owns me.

This is a busy month in the Piece household. We start the month off swinging with the manwhore's birthday tomorrow. He will be a very elderly 42 years young. Hard to believe I'm married to such an old guy.
Then it's literature week at school coming up, and Valentine's Day, which generally involves parties at school. Then I have my writer's retreat. We finish off the month with my birthday on the 27th, when I will be a youthful 33.

But we can't start such a busy month off without a little something, something, now can we? Of course not! So, the boychild has some sort of stomach bug that sure does look like it might be rotovirus. Peeeyeew! I'm spending my morning cleaning the carpet where the stinky, runny contents of his diaper overflowed at 5 am. Yay me.

Everytime I touch the poor kid I feel like scrubbing my hands like a surgeon prepping for surgery.

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

Ick ick ick ick ick!!!!!!

What are you doing for your bday this year?