Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The manwhore, he is awesome

Well, at least very understanding. Or oblivious to dirt. rofl
So we were talking last night about this retreat, and how I've been writing like mad. I apologized for the messy state of the house, and bless his heart, he told me it didn't look messy to him. Cluttered, yes, but he blamed that on the kids.

Now, I suppose it is just him being a man and not noticing these things, because I haven't done more than vacuum the middle of the floor and swish the brush around one toilet in over a week. Things are not pristine around here. But, CPS won't be knocking on our door, either.

But, I guess I'm glad he hasn't noticed or been bothered by the lack of housework.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My hubby...bless his heart...gave me a sign which he printed off the computer his very own self which says,

"A clean house is a sign of a wasted mind."

It must be love.