Monday, February 25, 2008

God, I'm exhausted

The retreat was fabulous! Lots of fun and good advice and inspiration to keep working. I sort of stayed on a high all weekend, so now I'm in the post high slump, and pooped.

The only dark spot to the weekend, other than the fact it was cold, was that the editor from Harelquin got snowed in in New York, and couldn't make it. She has said that she'll call everyone who had an appointment so we can pitch to her over the phone. Yay, I can puke on my phone instead of on her shoes.

Oh, and I bought the kids some little souvenirs, and I think I left them in someone else's car. Now I have to track her down and see if she found them. If they aren't there, then I guess that was $20 down the drain.

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

This is totally going to happen for you. My intuition just kicked in and I saw your About the Author photo on the inside back cover.