Thursday, February 28, 2008

Snow days and birthdays

Yesterday was my 33rd birthday. The kids were also out of school for a snow day. It was an all around good day, but I had forgotten how big a mess they can make with nothing to do but stay at home. Horses everywhere. Check. Blocks everywhere. Check. Barbies everywhere. Check. Couch cushions turned into a house. Check.

By the time the manwhore got home, you couldn't see the den floor, and I was pretty oblivious in a fog of writing. They had to clean up the den before bed, but the rest of the house is still iffy. I can't write and clean at the same time, it seems.

As for the snow, well, there wasn't much to be seen. We had about 1/4 in when we woke up, but it had started snowing early Tuesday evening, leaving the roads very wet. Very wet roads + 23 degree lows = snow day because all the back roads are iced over. It actually snowed off and on all day, too, rather heavy at times. But the sun would come out and melt it all before it snowed the next time. We probably had over an inch of snow, it just didn't accumulate.

And, I know this will be hard to believe what with my February birthday and all, but this is the first time in my life that it has snowed on my birthday. It has rained occasionally, but most of the time, we have a warm spell at the end of February, resulting in a warm and sunny day for me. Cold, cloudy and snowing is not on my wish list, but it was all right.

We went to Carrabas for supper, because I don't cook on my birthday. I watched in amazement as my picky eater child ate a big handful of calamari. Kids are so weird. The manwhore and I split a jug of cheap red wine, and I drank most of it. Then I had to fight for a few bites of the cake we ordered because they were snarfing it up. Wine and chocolate. What every woman needs on her birthday.

And the best news of all, the manwhore had his annual review yesterday. He went into it expecting to tell his boss that he'd had enough and would be seriously looking for another job. He walked out with a 4% raise, the goals that he wants, a promise of what he will be doing once this system he's working on is gone in June, and assurance that he is on the right track for promotions. Hal-le-fucking-luh-jah! Scheduling his review on my birthday obviously brought him some sort of good luck.

So, at the moment, I don't care that my in-laws hate me. Screw them, life is good!

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